The Roman Republic was an era during the classical Roman Civilization which took place from 509 BC, until 27 BC, with the establishment of the Roman Empire. The government of The Roman Republic had three different bodies : The Senate, The Consuls and The Assemblies.
At first it was kinda of a rocky relationship, but then his daughter Pocahontas begin sending messages to the English, at one point the English may have held her prisoner and her and John Rolfe fell in love and got married this cause a peace treaty until Powhatan dies and his brother became chief
The Christians believed that Jesus rose from the dead 3 days after he died and that is why we celebrate Easter.
The right answer is C.
Glasnost was one the major political initiatives launched by Soviet Secretary-general Mikhail Gorbachev. For the first time in Soviet history, there was open discussion of many key political and key issues. Gorbachev´s intention was to reform the Communist system, to democratize it and make it less authoritarian. It was sort of a spring in public affairs. Nevertheless, a freer new atmosphere led to protests in many Soviet republics, nationalist sentiments were reborn, political instability ensued. In the last years of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev resembled more and more a wizard that had liberated forces he could not control anymore. His position became too weak after a conservative coup d´etat staged in Moscow. It failed but severely undermined his position and strengthened the standing of the president of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin. The Soviet Union broke apart in December 1991.
Estos son los cinco reinos de la tierra
1. Kingdom Monera
2. Kingdom Protista
3. Kingdom Fungi
4. Kingdom Plantae
5. Kingdom Animalia