Mary Wollstonecraft was an avid supporter of women's rights and the enlightenment, using logic, reason, and observation (science) in the world around her. She hosted gatherings of other enlighteners, meeting to discuss new ideas and ways of thinking.
The African Americans who became preachers were not allowed to do in the new Methodist church. African Americans were allowed to do very little things back then. They were allowed to go to small churches like ‘The New Methodist Church’. They were allowed to worship with whites but not really, they were allowed to sit in the balcony just in the back, and sometimes just some can perform the ceremony of the Eucharist.
The whites did not want to go to church with the African Americans already so, obviously they didn’t want to look forward and see them and worship while looking at them.
The extent of the Byzantine territory was the highest during Justinian I rule. He almost reclaimed all territories that once belonged to the Roman Empire.
New England colonists felt their win over the allied Native American tribes was a sign from God that they were destined to settle and be prosperous in the Americas. New England settlers used the war as a reason to retaliate against Native Americans and to treat them poorly. The war proved to colonists that the Indians were violent and lacking the ability to be civilized.
King Philip's War was a war against the New England colonists. This war brought together a few tribes with the Wampanoag tribe leading the charge. The tribes were tired of being connected to the English and this was their final attempt to get rid of the English settlers. Some other tribes joined the English in the battles and the English settlers were victorious in the end. Those on the losing side either fled for protection or were enslaved by the colonists. Those remaining from the enemy side were treated poorly and with the leader King Philip being beheaded for his part in the war.