D. They improved conditions on slave ships to help more people survive.
helped stop other European nations from claiming territory.
In summary, the Virginia Company promoted the move to the newly found Americas by giving them land (after 1618) and increased possibility to earn money through the tobacco trade.
People act in their own best interests to secure their own wills.
Remember Hobbes thought people were bad...
28 is D
29 is D
29.The act represented the first major attempt to restrict immigration into the United States. The establishment of a quota system limited immigration from southern and eastern Europe (primarily Jewish and Slavic) while allowing significant immigration from northern and western Europe. Asians were specifically excluded from immigration.
28.With revolutions in shipping technology and a growing reliance on a network of migrant finance, migration costs declined in the mid-nineteenth century, ushering in a sustained Age of Mass Migration from Europe (1850-1920). This period ended with the imposition of a literacy test for entry in 1917 and strict immigration quotas in 1921, which were modified (although not eliminated) in 1965.
The rise of mass migration was associated with the shift from sail to steam technology in the mid-nineteenth century, and a corresponding decline in the time of trans-Atlantic passage. As travel costs fell and migrant networks expanded from 1800 to 1850, the number of unencumbered immigrants entering the US increased substantially. Annual in-migration rose from less than one per 1,000 residents in 1820 to 15 per 1,000 residents by 1850
That happened the agreement to for elimination of Indians concerning eastern Indians toward particular Indian Western Territory regarding the River of Mississippi.
Supreme agents engaged with the directors and bosses on September 15, 1830, about Dancing Rabbit Creek. During a carnival-like environment, that US executives described specific plan of discharge through delegates to a public of 6,000 people. These Choctaws sustained movement west of the Mississippi River. Then republic act as citizens. A plan in the agreement performed removal further adequate.