The great stink was dangerous due to its impact on London, thought to transmit the Cholera outbreak at that time.
The Great Stink was caused by humans, as at the time, feces was drained into the Thames. However, due to a hot summer in 1858, the feces smelt even worse. To add to the problems, the Thames river got polluted because of this unreliable sewer system.
Answer: a COVER-UP
"Watergate" was the scandal in which persons working for President Nixon's reelection campaign committed crimes to spy on their opponents at Democratic party headquarters, and then efforts were made to cover up those crimes. Nixon didn't directly order the break-ins and spying attempts, but he did order the cover-up of his administration's connections to those activities.
The first break-in attempt by burglars working on Nixon's behalf occurred in May, 1972, as persons connected to the Nixon reelection campaign broke into the Democratic National Committee office in the Watergate complex of buildings in Washington, DC. They were planting wire-taps on the Democrats' phone lines, and also stole copies of documents. When the wire-taps didn't work properly, they broke in again (in June) to try to fix the surveillance devices, but they were caught.
Nixon's role in Watergate was especially in his efforts and those of members of his staff to cover up what had happened. Ultimately, the Watergate affair brought down the Nixon presidency. He resigned in order to avoid impeachment. And the whole affair made Americans more distrusting of government.
They could not vote or hold government office.
President Polk wrote this address to Congress on May 11, 1846 to the Senate and the House of Representatives:
The existing state of the relations between the United States and Mexico renders it proper that I should bring the subject to the consideration of Congress. In my message at the commencement of your present session, the state of these relations, the causes which led to the suspension of diplomatic intercourse between the two countries in March, 1845, and the long-continued and unredressed wrongs and injuries committed by the Mexican Government on citizens of the United States in their persons and property were briefly set forth.
As the facts and opinions which were then laid before you were carefully considered, I can not better express my present convictions of the condition of affairs up to that time than by referring you to that communication.
The battle resulted in the military defeat of Husayn ibn Ali's group, the death of almost all of his men, and the captivity of all women and children. The Battle of Karbala is one of the most significant battles in the history of Shia Muslims
So the answer is number 1