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They have different management content
On which story its not here?
The three most notable differences that any user will notice between these two would be the following
- High-Resolution Display
- Specific Hardware (graphics tablet, camera, etc)
- Increased Speed
An individual that is working in a career in Animation needs a workstation that is capable of rendering animations which take lots of processing power. Therefore, the workstation would have to be high-end meaning that it will be much faster than a normal personal PC. Animation and Digital Design require a very High-Resolution display and specific hardware to allow you to bring your creations to life and make sure they look as beautiful as possible. All of this is not found in a normal personal PC either.
see the code snippet below writing in Kotlin Language
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun sumOfNumbers(): Int{
var firstNum:Int
var secondNum:Int
println("Enter the value of first +ve Number")
firstNum= Integer.valueOf(readLine())
println("Enter the value of second +ve Number")
secondNum= Integer.valueOf(readLine())
var sum:Int= firstNum+secondNum
println("The sum of $firstNum and $secondNum is $sum")
return sum