The two best options can be processors like inlet i7 4.0 GHZ 8th generation processor, and two popular models are core and Pentium for inlet. Similarly for AMD we have 4 GHZ 8 core AMD processors. And two very popular examples are Athlon and Phenom.
You need to check the Graphics, clock speed etc. as well to end up with the best processor. Also make sure that it is motherboard compatible, and to the motherboard that you are having, If number of core is more and frequency is high, it means Processor is better, and same thing applies for generations as well.
The answer is self explanatory.
I think the order should be 2-1-3-4, but the description of step 1 is confusing. In selection sort, you iterate from the point of the marker down through the entire list and find the smallest value, and swap that with the value at the marker. Then you advance the marker and repeat the process on the remainder of the list.
Manage the computer's resources, such as the central processing unit, memory, disk drives, and printers, (2) establish a user interface, and (3) execute and provide services for applications software.
Each variable is named so it is clear which variable is being used at any time. It is important to use meaningful names for variables: ... The name given to each variable is up to the programmer, but ideally a variable name should have meaning, ie it should reflect the value that it is holding.
Variables make code more than a static set of instructions. They allow logic to occur, enabling developers to measure time, analyze data, and customize the program to the user. Variables are so important to the code that they deserve a good name that accurately describes their purpose
Most common PC operating systems