HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Which excerpt from a cover letter avoids the common pitfall of appearing
1 answer:
I've worked as a customer service representative for the past five years
Hope this helps
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C: it explains how the week was shortened to give people more time to shop.
Hey There!! I think the answer is A) He combines details and indisputable facts with hyperbole and understatement to demonstrate the complexities of attempting to unify forces in order to promote change among opposing groups of citizens.
Hope It Helped!~ ♡
ItsNobody~ ☆
Kakis Ksiąźek et toi et tu te dis ça va pas te parler de moi je te laisse le choix et tu me
well one because of tourism and wildlife our country earns foreign exchange because of the exports such as flowers tea machinery our country earns extra money because of proper education we have good lawyers good doctors who do their jobs well because of the extra money and from the exports and tourism and wildlife the government has developed roads and as reduced the occurrence of accidents because of the extra money the government has established good schools good hospitals and good institutions too sorry but that's all I can manage