Dear Teacher(her/his name)
Your have always helped me when I needed it.
Whenever I had questions you had answers.
Whenever I had doubts you gave reassurance.
I think your a awesome teacher and hope you have fun teaching.
let's see here you want me to analyze well hmmmm take the first sentence leaving aside drunkenness theft was rampant that right there let's ME know that crime was inevitable and children pickpocketing see children these days don't usually pickpocket so basicly we should be happy time has changed beause if were alive back then especially if we were sensitive then we would have been killed or severly injured
Answer: A and B
Explanation: C is coming from your own ideas, and D is just not citing a source correctly.
William Makepeace Thackeray wrote the novel Vanity Fair in 1846 and it was published as a 19-volume monthly serial from 1847 to 1848,
The novel takes place in the early 1800s, in the first years of the Victorian era, when the country was submerging into a strong and oppressive conservative way of life.
The plot tells the saga of two families during the Napoleonic wars.