I am in the same class, what section is it in so I can go look at it. I just did my final so I can still view it but you have to hurry.
well to answer the first question Theodore would want the the young people to know and understand racism and why it is wrong. For the second question this will help Dr. Kings dream because the youth is the future of the country. Idk how to answer the last question because it has been years since I have read this book, although, I hope I helped!!!
affect is an impact on or an influence, effect is a noun, showing the result or outcome of something.
Answer: I have always believed in making choices for myself. Asking someone, or letting someone chose my future isn't something i agree with. It's my future, how will i know if this person has my best interests at heart? My future career may be my permanent one, but it will also be mine. I wish to chose a college, and career that will best benefit me, and my life. If anything, I would accumulate more stress from someone choosing my career. For those who worry about what they will chose, let yourself find it. Don't rush into something or let someone chose something that will make you unhappy in the end. Making our own life choices, is within our natural born rights, just as John Locke would say "All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions."
I hope this helps :)