D and B
Multicellular organisms thus have the competitive advantages of an increase in size without its limitations. They can have longer lifespans as they can continue living when individual cells die. Multicellularity also permits increasing complexity by allowing differentiation of cell types within one organism.
Rename a file or folder
1.Right-click on the item and select Rename, or select the file and press F2 .
2.Type the new name and press Enter or click Rename.
User-level Security
User-level security allows the user to access resources on a network using a username and password. User-level security offers higher and greater security than share-level security, which does not require a password to access files.
User-level security allows the database user access and permission to resources.
1. The answer is No, interface cannot have constructors. ... In order to call any method we need an object since there is no need to have object of interface, there is no need of having constructor in interface (Constructor is being called during creation of object).
2.A final class is considered complete and can not be subclassed (It's methods can not be overridden ). In case of abstract class, we have to proved implementation to abstract methods in subclasses. A final class can not have abstract methods and an abstract class can not be declared final.
3.private constructors are acceptable, however the class should be marked final instead, as doing so means the class is to be extended.
4.Yes! Abstract classes can have constructors! Yes, when we define a class to be an Abstract Class it cannot be instantiated(i.e an object cannot be created) but that does not mean an Abstract class cannot have a constructor. Each abstract class must have a concrete subclass which will implement the abstract methods of that abstract class.