It is the ALU or the Arithmetic Logic Unit.
It is the ALU. However, keep in mind that registers and buses do a very important task. The number of registers we have, faster is the processing, and the opposite is true as well. And there is a reason behind this if we have different channels for sending and receiving the data from the memory, and several registers for storing the data, and we can formulate the requirement seeing the requirements for full adder and half adders. Remember we need to store several variables in case of the full adder, and which is the carry, and if we have separate registers for each of them, our task becomes easier. Remember its the CU that tells the ALU what operation is required to be performed. Also remember we have the same channel for input and output in the case of Van Neumann architecture, as we have a single bus. and we also have a single shared memory. And Harvard architecture is an advanced version of it.
import random
randomlist = []
for i in range(0,20):
n = random.randint(-29,30)
if n < 0 :
n = 100
The random module is first imported as it takes care of random. Number generation.
An empty list called randomliay is created to hold the generated random integers.
Using a for loop, we specify the range of random numbers we want.
Inside the for loop ; we attach our generated random integer which will be in the range (-29 to 30) in a variable n
For each n value generated, if the value is less than 0( it is negative, since all the values are integers), replace the value with 100.
Unicode is a universal computing standard to represent texts in most writing systems. It was invented to store most of the world's characters. It started during 1987. Joe Becker from Xerox was the one who made a proposal for Unicode.
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