During the war women helped out by working in war industries, what people call "war work". They worked in armament plants, machine shops, and steel mills while the men were out fighting for the war. They also contributed in
traditional ways, such as organizing drives to sell war bonds or to get donations to help people who had been hurt by the war.
This pretty much showed that women stepped up to help the world at that time. Back in history and still now a days woman are underestimated abd not thought of being strong, but during world war 1 even before and after world war 1 woman have taken on more responsibility and have received more rights.
no thanks because im busy to my module sorry
Answer: False
Explanation: A subduction complex is a region of the Earth where one tectonic plate dives beneath another into the interior of the Earth. A subduction complex does not occur as a result of scraped CONTINENTAL CRUST from the top of a SUBDUCTING PLATE instead it occurs as a result of TECTONIC PLATES diving beneath another into the earth surface.
El río que separa el macizo de Brasilia y el macizo Patagónico se llama río Colorado.
El macizo de Brasilia comprende el actual Brasil y el macizo Patagónico, buena parte de la actual Argentina. El macizo de Brasilia cubre buena parte del centro, todo el este, noreste, centro-norte, centro-sur y sureste de América del Sur, mientras que el macizo cubre todo el sur de Argentina. El río que separa ambos macizos se llama el río Colorado, el cual atraviesa las provincias de Mendoza, Neuquén, Río Negro, La Pampa y Buenos Aires antes de desembocar en el Océano Atlántico.