This is a python program that counts the number of divisors of a given number and calculates the sum of the divisors.
The first line defines a function "sum_divisors" with an argument "n". The square root of the argument is converted to integer and assigned to the variable "x", then a for loop is used to iterate through the range 2 to the calculated nth number of divisors in the argument.The return keyword returns the sum value.
The function is called with several arguments and printed with the print function.
Motherboard, CPU, RAM, PSU, HDDs, GPU, and a Sound card.
The answer is "Option A"
In the given java code, a class "Test" is defined, inside the main method try and catch block is used, inside the try block method "p()" is called, that print a message. in this block two catch block is used, that works on "NumberFormatException" and "RuntimeException". In the method "p" declaration, a string variable "s" is defined, that holds double value, that is "5.6", and converts its value into the wrong integer, and other wrong option can be described as follows:
- In option B, it is wrong, it is not followed by after call method.
- In option C, It is not followed by runtime exception, that's why it is incorrect.
- Option D and Option E both were wrong because they can't give run time and compile-time error.
im sorry i dont understand
SQL, Oracle Report, and Visual Basic are all examples under the generation.
Fourth generation languages</h3>
Fourth-generation programming language (4GL) are computer programming language based on the advancement on third-generation programming languages (3GL).
4GLs may include support for <em>database management, report generation, mathematical optimization, GUI development, web development.</em>
SQL, Oracle Report, and Visual Basic are all examples under the generation.
Find out more on Fourth generation languages at: