B: Avoid Sharing Photos
If you send a photo to a person, you need to be very careful not to send something that can give your information away, this includes but it not limited to Pictures of your town, Pictures of You, Pictures of Friends, Pictures of Family, etc.
Hope I could help!!
It allows power boats to have stability while cruising. The cathedral hull is like a trimaran in terehat it has one main and two side hulls stuck together so that has a somewhat square to rectangular shape and therefore exhibits greater stability than a single hulled boat. It became more popular with the advent of fibreglass boats in the 1960's and '70s.
# include <iostream.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
using namespace std;
class citizen
int i;
public string name[30];
public long int phonenumber[30];
public void addindividual(string name1)
If (i<=30)
{ int flag=0;
for(int j=0; j<=i;j++)
if (strcmp(name[i], name1)
If (flag)
if (i<30)
for(j=i+1;j<=30; j++)
cout<<"Enter the name:"; getchar(name[j]);
cout<<"Enter the phone number:"; cin>>phonenumber[j];
cout<<"The person already exists";
cout<<"array is full:";
Void main()
string str;
cout<<" Enter name:";
getline(cin, str); ;
citizen c1=new citizen();
With a little more effort you can make the program allow the user to enter any number of details, but less than 30 overall. We have used here flag, and as a programmer we know why we use the Flag. It is used to check whether certain Boolean condition is fulfilled or not. Here, we are checking whether a given name is present in the array of names, and if it is not present, we add that to the list. And if the name is present, we print, it already exist.