Some teenagers or an individual addicted to the drug, smoking in under age. Some other risky behaviour is skipping school, stealing money which makes people uncomfortable in social life. Risky behaviour can cause anxiety, mental stress and unhappiness in the people.
A buoyant economy is one in which most people feel that their economic circumstances are more secure and that their incomes are increasing.
--helps bind people together by creating bonds of mutual obligation.
---is only appropriate when people do not expect anything in return for their gift.
Reciprocity is the act of giving a person a gift without expecting something in return. Generalized reciprocity creates a moral obligations among the people in the society. This is usually practiced among common friends and people who are closely attached to one another.
When there is a reciprocity, a smile or love or kindness or thank you is always included in the exchange. It binds the people together and bring them close top each other in the society by binding them with mutual obligations.
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