God had commanded (Moses) to take his people to the promise land he had for his people but because if their foolishness they had to wonder in the wilderness for 40 yrs, after the 40 yrs it was mostly a new generation so then the new generation kept traveling to their promise land. All the Israelite's looked up to Moses, and in the bible it say's a cloud in form if pillar would guide them during the day and a pillar of fire in the night.
A nation or empire can do it without bloodshed if both countries agree to it. It is called Annexation.
The Monroe Doctrine was a policy by James Monroe basically warning European countries from attempting to further colonize the Western Hemisphere. Not to mention, it failed.
I hoped this helped! Please rate, thank, and pick the Brainliest answer (not necessarily mine!). Thanks, it really helps! :)
Through hundreds of legal measures, the Nazi-led German government gradually excluded Jews from public life, the professions, and public education. The goal of Nazi propaganda was to demonize Jews and to create a climate of hostility and indifference toward their plight. On Kristallnacht—the Night of Broken Glass—Jewish businesses and synagogues were destroyed in the first act of state-sponsored violence against the Jewish community. Many Jews who had the means tried to leave Germany but encountered countless bureaucratic hurdles.