Hispanic people - largest immigrant group since 1820
Anglo-Saxon Protestants - Great Britain
Africans - came as slaves
potato famine - Ireland
Japanese - relocated during World War II
Chinese - found work in the gold fields and on the railroads
southwestern states - German
Since 1820, Hispanic people constituted the largest immigrant group. This process was especially evident till the end of 19th century.
The largest ancestry group (49 million people) are claiming part or full German heritage - many of them live in southwestern states.
In fact, white Anglo-Saxon Protestants formed modern USA, being colonists.
At the beginning of immigration, the Chinese could be found in any field of activity, most of all among gold diggers but their areas of activity were rapidly declining. The fact is that, unlike the Americans, the Chinese were ready for any job, for the lowest pay, in the most difficult conditions. They made such competition that the white workers sought local laws that did not allow the Chinese to certain types of work. The Chinese had only what did not attract the whites: the laying of roads. Many Chinese worked on building of the Transcontinental railroad.
The Irish Potato Famine, (Great Hunger) began in 1845 when a fungus-like organism P. infestans spread rapidly across Ireland.
African slaves began to be brought to the territory of the modern United States of America in the 17th century.