Many African american in the north upset with white landlords as they are highly indebted to white landlords.
African Americans are really an ethnicity of Americans of full or partial roots at any of Africa's black racial groups. In particular, the sentence refers to the descendants of slaves from the U.S.
During the years of the sub-Reconstruction era the number of factory jobs in southern cities has only shrunk to a small proportion. Yet comparatively few black Americans purchased their own land in the South, most of the poor landowners being heavily indebted to white property owners.
The predominantly urban population in the north of Africa was not much different. European refugees were given the jobs they desired. A number of African Americans moved to the west in hope of change.
This is because both Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands were unincorporated territories of the United States with the U.S president as head of State. There was no need to patrol Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands as the U.S blockade was against Cuba, not against the two U.S territories.
James Madison work at the Constitutional Convention earned him the title "Father of the Constitution"
James Madison who was the fourth president of the United States who served in the office from the year 1809 to the year 1817 and is known fondly by the name of The father of the constitution.
This name was given to him because of the contributions that he had made in the field of making of the bill of rights and the drafting of the first ten amendments. His role in the field of ratification was also one of the major reasons he was given this name as the father of the constitution.
It is the two in the green
there is a river there so they can trad stuff from the river
Sarah Franklin Bache,Willam Franklin,Francis Folger Franklin