The verb estar is an irregular verb, that means, it does not follow the pattern of all other "regular" -AR verbs.
The verb estar means "To Be" for temporary characteristics.
Think LCP (Large Cheese Pizza)
L- Location
C- Condition
P- Participle.
Those are when you use estar.
Conjugations of estar:
I am yo estoy
you are(Informal) tu estás
he/she is / you are(Formal) el/ella está // ud. está
We are nosotros estamos
You all are (spain only) - Vosotros Estáis
They are Ellos/Ellas/Uds. Estan
Sentence: I am happy today
Yo estoy feliz hoy
arab sibaq? thats what it means i think
i am not for sure if you mean what does it mean in english that is what it means i don't know get me wrong ok
Biogeografía, Climatología, Geomorfología
Need a translation?
“Today I woke up with a lot. I did not stop all night. I was so sick that I couldn't get out of bed. So I called my sister, who she is, to ask her what to do. He recommended that I go to see a doctor. My doctor gave me one for a medicine. I must stay in bed and have a horrible cough. I hope soon because this weekend I'm going on vacation.“
La camarera deposita la carta de bebidas en la mesa y pregunta a Federico y a mí. Primero, yo quiero café. Segundo, le toca a Federico; él quiere agua. cuida; me toca a deposita; le toca a bebe; me levanta recoge; le levanta I think it is B but im not sure
1. recoge
2. le levanta