A government can legally take control of another territory by CESSION
Cession is the surrender or assignment of a territory under the control of a country or state to another country or state. this done as a repayment of debt been owed or as a former of surrender or as part of a peace treaty. cession is documented legally and agreed to by both parties i.e the country giving up its territory and the country/state receiving it. Example is the cession of Newmexico to the USA by Mexico after the war
Annexation is also a means of taking another territory by a country. this is mostly done through Military invasions and hence it is not a legal means example of such is the Nazi Germany annexing Austria through military invasion.
Two Treatises of Government, he defended the claim that men are by nature free and equal against claims that God had made all people naturally subject to a monarc
There are several reasons why the United States decided to limit immigration in 1921. ... number of immigrants who came to our country from South and East Europe ... Therefore, Congress set up quotas determining how many could immigrate