He turned into speakme about the wish that was given to slaves while the emancipation proclamation changed into exceeded and for a long time, it did nothing. It came as a joyous daybreak to quit the lengthy night of their captivity." Metaphor: The Emancipation Proclamation is in comparison to a "fantastic beacon light of hope." The injustice of slavery is in comparison to searing flames. The Emancipation Proclamation is compared to a joyous daybreak after a long night.
Misery (novel) is the novel of stephan king
Personally, i would have stayed. I mean, cmon! He would have stayed safe and lived an eternity just having fun and playing games! But I get why je left. He felt it was his duty to complete his mission. Also, he wanted his mother back, and dint want his freinds to die
D. Change the semicolon to a colon.
The colon is a punctuation mark that is not used much. But it helps in listing items. It is used majorly when the sentence contains or introduces a list that is important for the sentence.
In the given sentence, <em>"exchanging gifts, cleaning the house, and watching The Irony of Fate" </em>are the list of things that comprise Naia's family's New Year's Eve tradition. Therefore, they will be introduced by a colon instead of a semicolon.
Thus, the final sentence will become-
<em><u>Naia's family has several New Year's Eve traditions; exchanging gifts, cleaning the house, and watching The Irony of Fate</u></em>.
Therefore, the correct answer is option D.
<span>The asnwer to the question stated above is letter D.
</span>The opening lines of Emily Dickinson's "It sifts from Leaden Sieves" present the snow to readers <span>as an equalizing influence on the world.
>It describes snow as 'an equalizing and leveling power on the world'.
Thus, the answer is letter D. </span><span>as an equalizing influence on the world</span>