Influence tactics
Influence tactics are very important for a leader. An effective leader can use a different type of tactics to influence his worker.
There are eleven types of influence tactics that are being used by people at their workplace.
- The pressure
- The assertiveness
- The legitimating
- The coalition
- The exchange
- The upward appeals
- The Ingratiating
- The rational persuasion
- The inspirational appeal
- The consultation
These are the influence tactics that a person can use to change the behavior of others.
flu vaccines
neonatal incubators
Thomas Malthus was of the belief that there would be rapid growth of human population and this will be far more than food supply, thus humans will hope on disease, famine, or war to reduce the population. Malthus did not anticipate that in years to come, there would be vaccines that would eliminate the dangers of small pox, neither did he envisage the development of the health sector. In this light, Malthus would likely oppose Medicare because it will improve health conditions and thus lead to overpopulation as he wrongly thought. He would also disapprove of flu vaccines for same reason above. He would also oppose neonatal incubators because it supports population increase.
French Algeria exported (probably on discoverable prizes) food and raw goods into France. Almost half of the export economy was focused on making wine. Some of other important exports were citrus, olives and vegetables.
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By providing firearms amongst the trade goods, Europeans increased warfare and political instability in West Africa. Some states, such as Asante and Dahomey, grew powerful and wealthy as a result.