If you think i'm far away and you wish " i want him here ". You don't have to wait a sec Close your eyes you'll see me there
Loved you like you were my last But now i know you are my past I think you said you loved me more But i don't think real love was there If you ever feel alone Close your eyes you'll see me there
You thought love was hugs and kisses Nothing more than goods and riches Did you even smiled for once When i said " i love your hair ". You don't know how bad it felt Close your eyes you'll see me stare
You don't know what love is like Less like darkness more like light One day you will realize But when you do it'll be too late Then you'll know you're left alone You won't see me anywhere
You don't know me i know that You'll forget me i know that But did you ever loved me once Don't know time how much it'll take I can tell i feel alone You don't even know I'm where
I won't be there to talk again I won't be there to share the pain After that i will not speak From me there'd be no words to hear I guess you will be all alone Would pray you'll find someone somewhere
This is about someone i used to care for i actually still do. Hope this helps. peace.
If you don't know about me papa Let me tell you he's the best He can fly like goku and he can hold his breath
You can ask him everything You can take any test Me papa can do everything Me papa is the best
He's always there to comfort me He's always there to help I know that he has super powers '★' I don't know about rest
He can eat alot at once He doesn't need to chew Me papa can do everything Me papa is the best
He can lift a ton no worries He runs faster than a train He jumps like hulk on the run He's not scarred of pests I saw him disappearing once I can't tell whats next Me papa can do everthing Cause i know he's the best
Your group should have now written down the simple definiton of DNA and what it stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Where it is found - nucleus. how does it look like. what it contains. etc. To make it interesting, make a scenario on how Genetic DNA is done. Model wise, show using materials or tools like magnet etc
it depends on the poem. each poem has its own style. some include alliteration, some onomatopoeia, or both! but some poems dont include any of these two.