a list (as of bibliographical information or citations to a body of literature) arranged usually in alphabetical order of some specified datum (such as author, subject, or keyword):
The rise of christianity in the Roman Empire was different to that of medieval Europe.
In the Roman Empire, christians were persecuted at the beginning and very slowly increased the amount of people who believed in their god. However, as time passed, more and more people identified themselves as belonging to the christian religion.
In medieval Europe on the other hand, christianity became popular much faster, as there was not that much opposition, compared to the times of Roman empire.
Conquered peoples being drawn into their conquerors' economic and cultural orbits, as illustrated by Turkic peoples converting to Islam and integrating into Muslim societies
Few nomadic empires were solidified by placing a capital town inside a captured land and then they abused the business sources of that non-nomadic civilization. In that situation, the formerly nomadic regime may become culturally acclimated to the culture of the conquered country before it is eventually overthrew. The improvements were in the 13th century between 1330 and 1406.
Congress cannot set political conditions on states.
In total they ate 22 pieces and had 13 left