Lets use the process of elimination in your question
It can't be A because Lincoln wanted to end the war and have the Southern states join the union as quickly as possible and free all the slaves
It is most likely B because he doesn't really do much to punish he wants to end the war
C and D could easily be eliminated
We were exploring the world
In a way kinda yes. it all depends on how you look at it.
Purtătorul principal al acestor păreri era istoricul britanic Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) care în opera sa „The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”[1][2] susține teoria declinului și căderii Imperiului Roman potrivit căreia acestea s-ar fi datorat:
...Charged very high prices to move farm products to market
The farmers felt the railroads had monopoly power over them. The farmers essentially had no choice but to send their crops to market on trains. There was not much, if any, competition on most short-line tracks that went through farm areas. Therefore, most farmers had to simply accept whatever price railroads charged to transport crops. Farmers felt the railroads could gouge them by charging high prices and that they, the farmers, had no recourse when this happened. They blamed much of their trouble on this monopoly power.