Scarcity<span> is the fundamental challenge confronting all individuals and nations. We all face limitations... so we all have to make choices. We can't always get what we want. How we deal with these limitations—that is, how we prioritize and allocate our limited income, time, and resources—is the basic economic challenge that has confronted individuals and nations throughout history.
The first major slave revolt in the south was led by a twenty-four year old slave named Gabriel Prosser
The author's purpose is to highlight the efforts made by army recruiters in getting new recruits from schools and communities that have little enlistment of soldiers.
The article, 'Who are fighting American wars'? by Dave Philipps and Tim Arango, discusses the challenges faced by the army as it pertains to recruitment. The army noticed that there was a skewed attribute in the number of people applying to be soldiers, most coming from the same communities, or families where a parent or relative was once a soldier. The authors noted that such a challenge would not help the army who needs more recruits.
The subheading, 'Recruiting in new places', highlights the efforts made by the military recruiters, to first understand the challenge as seen in the visit of the Army Secretary Ryan D. McCarthy who visited officials from the Los Angeles Unified School District to enable them get more students to join the military. Secondly, the recruiters had to actively seek out new recruits. The few recruits discussed had to put in a lot of thinking before making the decision to join the military or opt out.