Cause I know my geography and I live there
Jackson dominated in the South and the West, aided in part by the passage of the Tariff of 1828. Adams swept New England but won only three other small states.Explanation:
This is a citation from <em>The Constitution of the Iroquois Nations: The Great Binding Law, Gayanashagowa</em>. This Confederation consits of five indigenous North American nations (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca).
This document was transmitted orally through centuries, and dates back to the 14th Century. It is also known as the "Great Peace" between these nations.
Matters of this Constitution consists of aspects of tribal and regional governance, social organization, rights and duties of leaders, protection of other rights, etc. It is believed that this constitution served as an influence for United States Constitution.
Precambrian time, period of time extending from about 4.6 billion years ago (the point at which Earth began to form) to the beginning of the Cambrian Period, 541 million years ago. Precambrian time encompasses the Archean and Proterozoic eons, which are formal geologic intervals that lasted from 4 billion to about 541 million years ago, and the Hadean Eon, which is an informal interval spanning from 4.6 billion to 4 billion years ago. The Precambrian represents more than 80 percent of the total geologic record.