words starting with A and B.
- Abandon
- abase
- abate
- abdicate
- abberation
- abet
- abhor
- abyss
- accede
- absolve
- abject
- accolade
- accost
- acerbic
- acquite
- adage
- adhoc
- adjure
- advent
- ad-lib
- adjure
- ado
- aegis
- affable
- affectation
- affirm
- affront
- afoot
- agile
- alacrity
- albeit
- algorithium
- allay
- allocate
- allude
- amiable
- amicable
- analogy
- anomaly
- ardent
- atone
- astute
- aver
- awry
- avuncular.
- babble
- backlog
- badger
- baleful
- banal
- banter
- baritone
- barrage
- bashful
- baulk
- bawdy
- beacon
- bedlam
- beguile
- behest
- benign
- bionicc
- bigot
- blase
- blend
- bolster
- bravo
- breach'
- bugbear
- brevity
- burly
- bustle
- bygone
- byword
- browbeat
I would say that the word "equanimity" is a 10 letter word that means evenness of mind or temper and that it could be displayed by someone who works in the kitchen just described above the manner of dealing with the world when one's workplace is in good order and clean, as an example.
I'm doing this to get virtuous
Macbeth causes chaos at a celebratory banquet at his castle when he suddenly starts to behave very oddly indeed. The reason why he is absent is very simple - Macbeth has just had him murdered