With America's participation in Vietnam war, military spending grew. It started with Kennedy's little military activity, which later on Johnson would turn into a significant military initiative. In the last period of the 1960's, government failed in raising taxes to pay for this activity, which resulted in the tearing down of the country's prosperity.
The Vietnam War continued to 1975, and after Nixon's resign, America seemed incapable of controlling events, together with economic issues. There was a deficit in trading activity, since cheap imports represented a challenge and inflation rose as well as unemployment. Eventually, America's economic activity decreased significantly, and Vietnam War was the turning point for this.
Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the Sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church. Standard practice demanded that the accused be imprisoned and secluded during the trial.
Answer: I would of choose there beliefs because i believe in what they believed in. And i would choose over them because they belief is stronger than theirs
Can we see the list that came with this ?
I have no idea what your asking