<em>➢</em><em> </em><em>Abdul Hamid was the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to hold absolute power. He presided over 33 years of decline, during which other European countries regarded the empire as the "sick man of Europe."</em>
<em>I </em><em>hope</em><em> it</em><em> will</em><em> help</em><em> you</em><em>.</em><em>.</em><em>.</em>
<em>I </em><em>am </em><em>sorry</em><em> </em><em>if </em><em>this</em><em> </em><em>answer </em><em>is </em><em>wrong</em>
Two conflicts-the War of the Spanish Succession and the war in the Baltic-almost merged into a single pan-European war. Even though Russia and Prussia appeared on the international scene, the balance of power that emerged after the Thirty Years ' War was never broken. None of the great powers could achieve unconditional dominance over rivals.
In the 18th century, France was weakened. Sweden, Spain, and Holland withdrew to the second roles. The strongest players looked England and the Austrian Empire. Prussia and Russia were gaining political weight.
Judaism- The Torah
Christianity- The Bible
Islam- The Quran
The three religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam part of monotheism. Monotheism is to worship one god while denying the presence of different gods. These three religions were all born in the Middle East. Christianity was born from within the Jewish tradition, and Islam originated from both Christianity and Judaism. Judaism begins as a result of the connection between God and Abraham.
The Torah accepted to be a holy book for Jewish people. The Torah is also known as the Jewish bible, which refers to the five books of Moses.
The Bible tells the story of the Creator and his creation.
The Quran is the sacred book in the lives of Muslims. The book conveys the message of god received by the prophet Muhammad.
no it is not a reliable source so true