1b, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5a, 6b.
1. The wife of the victim impelled the court for a harsher punishment against the alleged murderer.
*Impelled: drive or force something to happen
2. Any officer appointed by law is required to conduct his duties with rectitude.
*Rectitude: moral quality of rigorousness
3. In an Act of Magnanimity, the owner of a leading restaurant chain donated half of his annual earnings to a charity for cancer patients.
*Act of Magnanimity: do something in a generous way without self-benefit
4. Some believers in Big Foot try to connect arbitrary events to prove its existence.
*Arbitrary: That doesn't have any order, reason or system.
5. The student council acquiesced when the school board decided to make uniforms compulsory.
*Acquiesced: Accept something even when you disagree
6. A government which fails to protect the basic rights of its citizens cannot blame them for perfidy when they revolt.
*Perfidy: disloyalty, something that is not trusty or worthy