Currently the accepted model on how the earth and planets in general form. Before the earth, sun and solar system were around, only tiny particles of space dust and debris were present. Something then happened to disturb these particles, possibly the explosion of a nearby star, and as a result, the sun was born.
Spain by "then" will be a depopulated nation dominated by elderly and single people,the country will have lost 5.3million inhabitants, or 11% of the current population, by the middle of the century. If the trends continue, by then the over 65s will make up 34.6% of the population while close to a quarter of a million Spaniards will be over 100yrs old.By that date there will be 1.7million fewer children under 10 than there are now.....
A vertebrate is an animal or species distinguished by its possession of a backbone or spinal column. Vertebrates can be insects, fish, mammals, birds, reptiles, and also amphibians.
Hope this helps :)
was a period of rapid colonization of the African continent by European powers. But it wouldn't have happened except for the particular economic, social, and military evolution Europe was going through.
1. Galaxies seem to be moving away from us which can support Big Bang Theory.
2. The abundance of Helium and Hydrodgen also support the Big Bang theory!
Personlly I do not believe in the big bang theory but if you need more reasons please comment! :-)