Scientists divide the Earth into three layers based on composition: the crust, the mantle, and the core. These divisions are based on the compounds that make up each layer.
Answer: control plot
Control plot refers to the plot that couldn’t receive the experimental treatment such as fertilizer and or variable being tested while another plot receive fertilizer can give proper yield. It is just because, fertilizer is the main source or substance that provides chemical elements that may necessary for corn plant growth and its development. There are two main types of fertilizers such as organic and inorganic, among them organic fertilizer usually contains different nutrients that broken down by different microorganism and then used by such plants to grow effectively.
If i had more info, id have a better answer. But based of luck and guessing, i am going to go with c) almost 50% of the cities have an average monthly temperature less than or equal to 35 degrees C.
Water logged? If the soil does not stick together the soil will seperate and water will have easier access to enter