Paul and Silas leave Syrian Antioch. They travel through Syria and into Cilicia (Acts 15:36-41).
1. Palpable - adjective
2. Impeccably - adverb
3. Deduction - noun
4. Exonerate - verb
1. Palpable - is an intense feeling that is as good as being touched. It is an adjective because it is descriptive.
2. Impeccably- Because of the -ly suffix attached to the root word, impeccable, we can deduce that the word is an adverb that tells us how impeccable or without faults a certain thing is.
3. Deduction - This is a noun because it is the name of a process. Deduction is inference or subtraction as the case may be.
4. Exonerate - This is an act of absolving a person of a fault. A verb is an action word or a doing word.
Shortly thereafter, Mama and Abuelita have a happy, tearful reunion. ... Abuelita tells Esperanza the story of how Miguel was able to sneak her away from Tío Luis
Nesbitt's store on December 22 of last year. There were three people involved in this evil plan. James King and Richard "Bobo" Evans were to enter the store. The defendant, Steve Harmon, was the lookout.
because they don't make them thick
of course