Answer: there are many advantages for you; you may speak your mind via the 1st amendment, protect yourself rather than depend on the government via the 2nd amendment, you have a right to a speedy trial, and I could go on. America is a land of many individual ways of thinking and of living; I do not like the big city, so, I built a house in the country. Others may prefer the cities. You are not kept “where you are” by a Class System; some of the most successful people in the world started with only an idea and a will to see it through. That should give you a better start.
Great question. What America means to me is the land of the freedom. I think that America is a great nation which stands for justice, freedom, and love. We are the greatest nation in the world!
B. Roots
Roots are the smallest meaningful parts of words. For example the root word of aquamarine would be Aqua, which means water. So the root word can also give you a hint on the meaning of the word.
Hope this helps :)