It is emergency services which treat illnesses and injuries that require an urgent medical response, providing out-of-hospital treatment and transport to definitive care.
This is true because when your are stressed and you eat bad it can add even more stress and maybe even a outbreak
Psychoactive drugs affect the body’s central nervous system. With the ability to change the brain’s functionality, they quickly alter mood, perception, and consciousness.
Moreover, many consider moderately drinking coffee or alcohol recreational use. While doing so, you’ll undergo mood changes. Typically, you feel better, more alert, or relaxed. Likewise, prescription pain medication can alter your perception of pain so you don’t feel discomfort.
Consequently, some of the drugs that fall under this category are habit-forming. Particularly, these include stimulants like cocaine and depressants like alcohol. Unfortunately, becoming chemically dependent on a substance could potentially lead to addiction.
Because some psychoactive substances occur naturally, such as mushrooms or marijuana, many people think they’re less harmful than manufactured drugs. However, marijuana addiction does occur, and using mushrooms causes negative side effects.
The common side effects of abusing these drugs include:
Motor impairment