The longest period of time is 11 minutes and 35 seconds.
8-10 years but one has lived to 20 years.
Answer: Codon
Explanation: A codon is a triplet of nucleotides in an mRNA that codes for specific amino acids. There are 64 possible codons. They are called the genetic codes. Three of these codons (UAA, UAG, UGA) do not code any known amino acid and are thus called termination codons. One of the codons (AUG) signals the beginning of translation and is thus called initiation codon.
Option B, ionic bonds; salt
All medicines either in the form of pills or liquid interact with our body by forming a bond with target specific receptors. For instance if a pain killer is taken then it shall form bond with receptors produced by pain and inflammation
So medicines are basically chemical which interact with biomolecules such as enzymes, nucleic acid, hormones, ions etc. by forming ionic bond, hydrogen bond, van der wall force etc. in the active site of enzyme.
These salt molecule remain stable in normal conditions but as they come in contact with digestive system of the body (with different pH) they release the drugs
Hence, option B is correct