These lines explains the shift in the perspective of Gessner towards Cape Wind.
"Spoiling Walden" is an article written by David Gessner. The article talks about the shift in perspective of the author towards the Cape Wind plants in Nantucket Sound off Cape Cod.
The author starts his article by showing that he was in oppose to the idea of Cape Wind on Cape Cod formerly. Cape Cod has been a place of Walden for the author but when there was federal approval of planting an offshore wind farm in Cape Cod, the author disapproved it and there was legal battle also on this matter.
<u>In lines 15-17, the author brings a shift, a transition in the article. He states that after clinging to his former perspective of disapproval on building an offshore wind farm, something happened that changed the author's perspective</u>.
It says,
<em>"...but then, gradually, my grip starts to loosen"</em> which means the author's grip on disagreement start to loosen. The author advocate in these lines that something happened which made him love the Cape Wind.
<em>"The story of those things, those happenings and changes, is the story of my wind journey" </em>marks a shift in stance of the author and his journey to love Cape Wind.