A. To make a piece of fruit seem like a peer to Granny B. To link two unlike concepts: ... C. (Choose) To show that Granny has moved on with life after being jilted. D. ... fewer of these foods you eat, the less likely your chance of having a heart attack ... He is skeptical about his neighbor's idea of what makes good neighbors. B ...
Answer: Global Warming and Climate Change. Persists on a short timescale or a long rime-scale as far as human-it concerned.
Answer: Well, Humanity's early fire-starting tools may have been dangerous because in the text is says, "It could be lighted only by hard rubbing, and it sputtered and threw fire in all directions." This is dangerous because it would spew fire in all directions and if you think about it, the fire would hit something and then that thing would catch on fire. Lets say you were using the match inside your house. When you strike the match, a spark flies onto the wood floor and your house goes up in flames and you are stuck inside the house with no exit or escape. This may or may not happen, but because of the fire not being contained, there was a chance that you would be harmed.
hope this helped
Here is a website for meaningful poems. I think you can find a good one on here. I couldn't really find a clean meaningful rap song so I tried to find a poem, but I don't know what kind of thing you like so here you go,