I think its poor leadership
Shanthi Pura, Sri Lanka.
Shanthi Pura in Sri Lanka is the region which is located at 8°N, 81°E. This longitude and latitude readings provides information about the exact location on the earth surface. At 8°North, 81°East on the map of world, Sri Lanka is located which is a small Island in the South Asia, located in the Indian Ocean southwest direction of the Bay of Bengal and southeast direction of the Arabian Sea.
We can use rivers to get fresh water
D. a program on the computer
1.) cool air takes up ___space is the answer.
As air gets warm, the air molecules have more energy and move around more, taking up more space. As the warm air expands, it becomes less dense than the cold air, so rises up and floats above the cold air.
2.) Without the wind there would be no ____ weather.
Wind is moving air and is caused by differences in air pressure within our atmosphere. Air under high pressure moves toward areas of low pressure.
3.) Wind is moving ____ air and makes ____ weather
I think don't quote me on that one lol.