The "Voyager 2" is the unmanned spacecraft that flew 3,100 miles close to Neptune in 1989.
There are 360 degrees of longitude (+180° eastward and −180° westward.). The longitude line of 0 degrees is known as the Prime Meridian and it divides the world into the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere.
Longitude (meridians) are the vertical lines on a map. They all converge at the two poles (North Pole and South Pole), and 0° longitude is located at Greenwich, England (0°). In the east hemisphere, the longitude ranges from 0° to 180°E, and in the west hemisphere,the longitude ranges from 0° to 180°W.
Answer: Guateque Campesino
Explanation: Every culture in this world has some particular events and modes of celebrations. People of Cuba in general and Cuban people living at countryside in particular celebrates this event together with friends and family mainly to celebrate the end of the harvest. Multiple music instruments are used to compose their specific music genre for this celebration.
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