John Brown's personal war against slavery had set this process in motion.
Napoleon continued the French Revolution first by resisting the external threats to the Revolution. Namely Great Britian and other European states who felt threatened by the Revolution and who sought to replace the new government by putting another Bourbon king on the throne. He also continued the Revolution by supporting the government itself. As he gained power he continued the reforms to the government and law that the Rvolution had started, and did so in such a just manner that his model would be used throughout Europe in the future. He also made the French government a meritocracy, where it was one's ability that determined to what rank and position you could rise, rather than the accident of birth.
On the betrayal side, Napoleon's biggest action was in accepting the role of Emperor. He in effect turned back the clock to claim a royal title in a nation that had rejected the idea of royalty. He would also go on to award noble titles to his best and loyalest supporters, as well as placing family members on European thrones in nations he had beaten. He also betrayed the Revolution in his conquests of other nations. This was partially a defensive measure against the intrigues of those nations, and partially an attempt to fulfill his own ambitions to earn the title he had bestowed on himself. But in doing so he condemned a generation of Frenchmen and youth to a life of constant warfare, left the economy of France hanging precariously in the balance as it tried to support his war needs and fight Brithish embargoes, and bled all of Europe of men.
Most likely Machiavelli would approve of Napoleon. Napoleon had ambition, nerve, ability, and a willingness to do what must be done to gain and maintain his position. Napoleon did so and managed to retain the love and loyalty of most of France's citizens throughout most of his reign.
<u>Bubonic Plague, also is known as the Black Death, originated from Asia, most likely China, India, and Persia</u>. <u>In October of 1347. it arrived in Italy with trading ships from Asia;</u> their goods were very prized at the time, and the trade was greatly developed with these countries across all European countries.
<u>The black death quickly continued to spread around Europe</u>. <u>The quick and easy spreading happened partly because of the trade, but more importantly because of the rats. It has been proven that rats and fleas can carry the disease, and many people got it from the bites of these creatures.</u> <u>The hygiene wasn’t developed at the time as it is today, and pests were everywhere on the ships and in the stree</u>ts. Because it was a highly infectious disease, it quickly spread over the whole continent of Europe, resulting in million deaths.
The meaning of predestination is: <span> the divine foreordaining of all that will happen, especially with regard to the salvation of some and not others.</span>