in State constitutions.
State constitutions are the set of rules and laws that govern the states and counties of the United States.
There is the national constitution, which governs the entire country, and the state constitution, which is prepared by each American state with its own laws and guidelines, but always following the precepts provided for in the national constitution. This document is subject to changes and amendments that guarantee updates to the envisaged laws.
Therefore, any internal government authority will govern a region based on the laws provided for in the national and state constitution.
Although the first major figures of the Enlightenment came from England, the movement truly exploded in France, which became a hotbed of political and intellectual thought in the 1700s. Before long, cutting-edge thought in a variety of disciplines worked its way into the salons, and the French Enlightenment was born.
When analyzing a source, historian has to remain unbiased and free from personal feelings and opinions. They know that there are different source of an event and they may reveal different facts which could cross-check his argument. The objective historiography is possible only when the historian is unbiased and when different sources like archaeological, literary and other sources are cross-checked and interpreted independently.
It mostly used nonviolent resistance effectively
The king had employed a strategy that was not violent and obeyed the opposition in resisting the boycott. The writings of David in Disobedience impressed the king. However, the king will not believe the idea of Christians, so he applied social action and started reading the teachings of Gandhi. He said that the reason for raising the weapon was to fight nonviolently .
The movement in America was the main counterculture element that was used to ensure there was no violence and everybody had equal rights as stated in the laws of the constitution