Green which or international meridian is the answer
Germans are elite and belong to the master Aryan race.
Hitler's idea of master race of "germanic race" meant germans belonged to the aryan race that was held as most pure.
Nonfiction books are grouped together by subject to make it easier to find a book related to a specific topic. The system that most libraries use to organize books was invented by Melvil Dewey and it is called the Dewey Decimal System. Each book is assigned a three-digit call number based on what the book is about.
do stuff you love to do. If you do stuff you don't like or hate, it will be tough. Then you have to lie to people saying stuff you don't like. It will be hard, and it will last forever if you keep it on the right path.
It is the belief that human beings have the right to determine when and how they should die. i think this