Unos años antes, en 1948, la severa contaminación industrial del aire creó una niebla tóxica mortal que asfixió a 20 personas en Donora, Pensilvania, y enfermó a 7.000 más. La lluvia ácida, descubierta por primera vez en la década de 1850, fue otro problema derivado de las plantas de carbón.
Translation: A few years earlier, in 1948, severe industrial air pollution created a deadly smog that asphyxiated 20 people in Donora, Pennsylvania, and made 7,000 more sick. Acid rain, first discovered in the 1850s, was another problem resulting from coal-powered plants.
This was Tenochtitlan, which is was turned into today's Mexico City after the conquest.
Tenochtitlan was the Aztec capital, located on an island on the lake Texcoco, which was drained and where today's Mexico City is located.
Garrison co-founded “The Liberator” to espouse his abolitionist views, and in 1832 he organised the New-England Anti-Slavery Society. This society expanded into the American antislavery society which exposed the position that slavery should be immediately abolished. Garrison also emerged as a leading advocate of women’s rights which profits a split in the abolitionist community. In the 1870’s, Garrison became a prominent voice for the women’s suffrage movement.
Hope this helps! C;
Positive reinforcement. Because he leaves before everyone else
You would best describe Economics as the study of how society allocates resources and good as well. This would be how resources are limited, and how they can keep up with the unlimited demands and wants of the resources.