To get everything on one line with two inputs is not (easily) achievable, as far as I know. The closest you can get is: print 'I have', a=input() print 'apples and', p=input() print 'pears. '
Group Policy provides the system administrator with settings that would be necessary to manage the different user accounts available in an organization. It also controls their work environment centrally by configuring the user Operating System (OS), applications and user accounts.
Group policy settings or configurations are referred to as Group Policy Objects (GPOs). These objects can be linked to organizational units (OUs), domains or sites.
There are various group policy commands such as;
- rstrui (System Restore tool will run),
- runas (using different permission to run a tool or program),
- tasklist (currently running programs are shown
- gpupdate (Group policies are refreshed)
- gpresult (group policy configurations are displayed for verification)
gpresult command can be used to verify the group policy configurations for adjustment or optimization. The technician can start troubleshooting from viewing the active settings, then running the rstrui to start the System Restore utility to restore the computer to an earlier date
PRINT "Values for Principal (P), Rate (A) and Time (T)"
I = P * A * T/100
Amount = P + I
PRINT "Interest: ", I
PRINT "Amount: ", Amount
This prompts the user for values for Principal, Rate and Time
PRINT "Values for Principal (P), Rate (A) and Time (T)"
This gets values for Principal (P), Rate (R) and Time (T)
This calculates the interest (I)
I = P * A * T/100
This calculates the amount (A)
Amount = P + I
This prints the interest (I)
PRINT "Interest: ", I
This prints the amount (A)
PRINT "Amount: ", Amount
ERP systems provide a single, cohesive platform
“ERP means Enterprise Resource Planning”. ERP is One solution for all the business need. It is a software(Business process management software) which does various functions and gives one single application for running all the process of the organization. It shares a common Database which “enables the user to perform multiple task” from multiple location.
ERP module includes Supply chain management, financials, online sales, decision support system, warehouse management, human resource, CRM, etc. Using ERP we can increase the interaction among the staff, reduce labor cost, etc.
That would be an Ergonomic keyboard, due to the fact that it is laid out in such a way that doesn't harm your wrists