Appetite is not linked to (B) physiological hunger.
Where physiological hunger is linked to the need for food, appetite is mostly related to the desire for food.
In the story, it was the time of the Night or Rebirth when all creatures diet. The moon changes from young and beautiful(she was described as mesmerizing and luminescent) to old and weak(she became a sprinkle of sparkling dust, or the title "embers of moonlight" itself)
Saturday because the LCM is 12 and 12 days from Monday is Saturday.
It's good
It really connects to the reader and keeps them interested, if this is what you're asking for :)
A flood is a body of water that covers land which is normally dry. Floods are common natural disasters that can affect millions of people around the world. They destroy houses and buildings, and carry soil away from valuable farming land. Floods can also contaminate drinking water and lead to diseases. They are often caused by rivers, but overflowing lakes and seas can also cause flooding.
Causes:volume, spatial distribution, intensity and duration of rainfall over a catchment.
The capacity of the watercourse or stream network to carry runoff.
Catchment and weather conditions before rainfall.
Ground cover.
Tidal influences.