Plessy v. Ferguson, the separate but equal law which segregated schools under the idea of separate but equal but of course wasn’t equal. P v. F was the case btw.
<span>The American Colonies were an integral, yet increasingly autonomous part of the British Empire and economy. A vast empire, including the colonies plus Canada, parts of the Caribbean, southern Africa, the Middle East, India, and other territories ensured the British freedom of the seas. So a large and productive segment of the British holdings declaring independence would be a jolt on London/</span>
Slavery in the colonial history of the United States, from 1526 to 1776, developed from complex factors, and researchers have proposed several theories to explain the development of the institution of slavery and of the slave trade. Slavery strongly correlated with Europe's American colonies' demand for labor, especially for the labor-intensive plantation economies of the sugar colonies in the Caribbean, operated by Great Britain, France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic .
Christians think that the transformation of self take time
and by following the word of God. Self transformation is a process, It rarely
happens overnight. It involves training, testing and time. There are no
shortcuts. Self tranformation flows out of an intimate relationship with Jesus.
The more we love Jesus, the greater will be our motivation to obey Him and to
make the choices that please Him. By passing it to others transformation of
socity will also begin.
I think the British Empire was the most successful empire. It had the most land.