Germany had suspended the gold standard and financed the war by borrowing. Reparations further strained the economic system, and the Weimar Republic printed money as the mark's value tumbled. Hyperinflation soon rocked Germany. By November 1923, 42 billion marks were worth the equivalent of one American cent.Jun 27, 2019
The forcible "opening" of Japan by the US led to a period of rapid technological and institutional growth in Japan, which exacerbated the political problems that had already existed in the country. It also led to the end of the Tokugawa shogunate as anti-shogun elements in society were strengthened by the rise of those who thought that the military government was doing a poor job dealing with the foreigners and those who were against western influences and developments in Japan.
false. Until 1718, when Puckle, a noted British lawyer, inventor, and writer, invented and patented the first well-documented rapid-fire gun and what many call the precursor to the modern machine gun.