1. 800 Texans
On April 21, 1836, Sam Houston and some 800 Texans defeated Santa Anna's Mexican force of approximately 1,500 men at the Battle of San Jacinto, shouting “Remember the Alamo!” and "Remember Goliad!" as they attacked.
2. 1,500 men
On April 21, 1836, Sam Houston and some 800 Texans defeated Santa Anna's Mexican force of approximately 1,500 men at the Battle of San Jacinto, shouting “Remember the Alamo!” and "Remember Goliad!" as they attacked.
The Truman doctrine is a policy established by president Truman pledging U.S. supportfor "free peoples" resisting communism. containment is a policy of the U.S. intended to pr…event communist power from expanding beyond its geographical boundaries after WWII.
St. Ignatius of Loyola
The Catholic Reformation, also
called Counter-Reformation and Catholic Revival refocused on coming back to
spiritual foundations, devotional life
and personal relationship with Jesus.
The Jesuits was one of the few
who led the Reformation. The Jesuits was founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Their work was key in the opposition
against Martin Luther and John Calvin (Protestant).